TMI Survey

I recently saw this survey floating around and decided to answer the questions. In other news I have big travel plans for July and a big race to train for. My Achilles is on the mend and I’m running comfortably for about 45-60 minutes. I’m taking it very slowly and listening to my body. Summer vacation is in full swing and we have already put our Six Flags season’s passes to good use. Carlos got his report card in the mail yesterday and I’m very proud of his straight A+s. He is on his way to 2nd grade in the fall!

Here’s a little TMI about me:

1. What are you wearing?

Black scrub pants, a navy blue long sleeved tee and sneakers aka my work uniform.

2. Ever been in love?


3. Ever had a terrible breakup?

Yes. My first real boyfriend cheated on me. I was 16 years old and madly in love for all the wrong reasons. This broke my heart at the time. We lost touch not long after and years later after returning home from the Peace Corps I found out from a run in with an old friend of his that he had been involved in a serious single car crash and was paralyzed from the waist down. He was a bit of a “bad boy” when we dated as teens so I wasn’t surprised to learn that he had been driving over 90mph in an attempt to get away from a police car that was chasing him. Ironically last year on Easter he found me on Facebook and tried to friend me. He sent me a message detailing what he’s been up to for the last 25 years. He was remorseful for the way he treated me and stated that he wouldn’t be surprised if I hated him. I was surprised by this because he never struck me as the “feeling” type. After sharing the message with my husband I sent a brief message back to let him know that I certainly didn’t harbor any resentment. Deep in my teen aged heart I knew it wouldn’t have worked out anyway. I never accepted his friend request and haven’t heard from him since.

4. How tall are you?


5. How much do you weigh?

Seriously?!! OK fine. This has been a huge point of stress, depression, contention and frustration for me since last fall. My goal weight is somewhere in the 130s. For the better part of the first 8 months of last year I stayed consistently in the 145-149 range. Then after the Montreal Marathon I endured the post marathon weight gain and went up to about 154. I stabilized and have been happily and unhappily maintaining at 150 ever since the fall. Last time I weighed myself I was 150.8.

Maintenance is a challenge in and of itself. I continue to journal my food, workout and eat healthy, however, I have struggled with emotional eating and body image issues over the last 10 months. Despite my weight I can clearly see positive changes in the shape of my body. I am not giving up the fight. It’s not the number I am necessarily striving for, it’s a feeling in my clothing, a sense of lightness and an overall contentment with my body.

6. Any tattoos?

Yes, one tattoo on the right side of my waist. It’s a lizard with an Egyptian ankh (key of life) symbol down it’s back. Don’t ask. I’m pretty sure it had some deep significance back in 1997 or 98 (can’t remember) when I got it. I was young and foolish, but at least had sense enough to locate the tattoo in a place that is never revealed to the public. I actually don’t really think about it. Of course I regret it, but not enough to dwell on it or spend the money to have it removed.

7. Any piercings?

I have four piercings in my left ear, one of which is in the top cartilage, a helix piercing I believe, and two in my right ear. However, I wear the same faux diamond studs, one in each ear, every single day.

8. Favorite song?

The Monster by Eminem featuring Rihanna. It’s a little edgy and great to run to.

9. Quality you look for in a partner?


10. Favorite quote?

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” Henry Ford

I spent the better part of the last 35+ years being a very negative person. Changing my attitude hasn’t always been easy, but the outcomes of a positive attitude are worth their weight in gold.

11. Favorite actor?

I don’t really have a favorite actor or actress, but right now I think Kerry Washington in Scandal is fantastic.

12. Loud music or soft?

Loud while driving alone and sometimes when running off road or working out at the gym. Soft when running on the road.

13. Where do you go when you’re sad?

I go for a run at the reservoir.

14. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Last night I woke up for work late. I took a shower and made myself presentable in about 15 minutes flat. If I have to wash my hair, which I can’t do everyday unless it gets sweaty because it becomes too dry, then it takes me about 35 minutes. I’m fairly low maintenance. If it takes me a while to get ready it’s because I’m multi-tasking.

15. Ever been in a physical fight?

Not really, just wrestling with my sister as kids.

16. Turn on?

A nice smile complete with great teeth

17. Turn off?

Big egos, know-it-alls, loud chewing/crunching, basic grammar and spelling errors

18. Fears?

Dying, not seeing Carlos grow up, the state of the world most days

19. Last thing that made you cry?

Active release therapy on my Achilles

20. Last time you said you loved someone?

Last night I said I love you to Orlando before I left for work.

21. Meaning behind your YouTube name?

It’s my gmail account.

22. The relationship between you and the last person you texted?


23. Favorite food?

Mexican, particularly guacamole

24. Place you want to visit?

Anywhere I have never visited. Honestly I would go anywhere.

25. Do you have a crush?

Yes on my husband (shhh!)

26. Last time you kissed someone?

I kissed my husband good night before I left for work.

27. Last time you were insulted?

I am going through a strange situation with a “friend” who has been on my case for a couple of months. She often makes rude, insulting comments to me. She talks about me behind my back. It’s all very high school. I keep trying to back away from the relationship quietly without any drama, but she is relentless at times with texts and phone calls.

28. Favorite piece of jewelry?

My “engagement” ring. It’s a small round single diamond on a very thin, simple white gold band. My husband actually gave it to me after I gave birth to Carlos. We got married in 2001 in Mozambique. We were saving our pennies to relocate to the United States and had very little money. An engagement ring was out of the question. I was fine with it and never expected it from Orlando anyway. Receiving the diamond ring so many years later actually meant more to me. It is exactly as I would have wanted, unassuming and modest. I really love this ring.

6 thoughts on “TMI Survey

  1. Ah, I loved this post Aimee! So happy that your heel is healing and that you have some fun stuff on tap for July.

    No tattoos here, buy my daughter now has two – I don’t mind because they are on places that can be covered by a shirt if necessary. I just hope in 25 years she’ll still feel the same way about them as she does at 22!

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. I’m going to have to do these as well. Love the last answer the most, but along the way was thinking, if you and family ever end up visiting Texas, I promise to take you for great Mexican including guac! I also laughed at #17 — long list of turn-offs. Haha, I could very easily make a similar list.

  3. I loved reading this, Aimee. For some reason the part about your engagement ring really made me smile. You can tell how much love you and your husband have for each other through your words.

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